© 2025 Copyright Joe Watson. All rights reserved.
Diverse Faces and Places in Nepal Village person at Respore Vision Buddhist monk Buddhist monk Carrying a load on the trail Kathmandu Girl Kathmandu young
Nepal Everest Nepal Everest Nepal Everest Nepal Everest 2nd Day Nepal Everest Nepal Everest Nepal Everest 2nd Day Nepal Everest 2nd Day
Nepal-Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghatesl Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Nepal Ghates Temples atop
Golden city classic temple Earthquake damaged antiqity Kathmandu cave entrance Earthquake damanged antiquity Temple tower Laundry service provided Stupas containing remains of monks or nuns
Sadhu, Holy Men Nepal Kathmandu Sadhu, Holy Men Joe with holy man Sadhu, Holy Men Buffalo Joe Nepal Sadhu, Holy Men Nepal-Gates Sadhu, Holy Men
Faces of Nepal Faces of Nepal Nepal Stupa Nepal Temple Sign Nepal Stupa Nepal Stupa Nepal Stupa Nepal Changunaryan Temple Nepal-Pokhara Nepal Dooley Pena Nepal
I have been fortunate enough to have the interest and energy to explore life in many places in the world. In so doing, I have explored history, often through the lens of archaeological study. This has taken me to many countries, regions, and villages around the world as reflected in my documentary photography from those expeditions.
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