Site Visits And Inspections in Nepal


Site Visits And Inspections in Nepal

I recently returned from Nepal where I accompanied Scott Hamilton, my fellow Explorer Club member, on site visits and inspections of Dooley Intermed projects there. To say the least, I was extremely impressed with all of the Dooley efforts in Nepal. In particular, I was impacted by the orphaned children in their EcoHome for Children just outside Kathmandu.

EcoHome For Children

EcoHome is a safe, healthy, and productive place for children without parents who otherwise would be at extreme, even mortal risk.  The EcoHome children are provided a private school education and a loving, very happy home with health care and nutritious meal. These children are not subject to the risks of uncertain adoptions and are cared for to adulthood with prospects of a higher education.

“Buffalo Joe’s” Milk for Children”

While exploring needs, we determined that a clean, sanitary, healthy milk supply is an ongoing problem.  We developed a plan to provide the children with a needed reliable supply of nutritious milk. Because of the rural location, children in the area are able to rely on fresh buffalo milk and that became our plan.

To help solve the ongoing problem of a need of fresh, sanitary milk, I am proud to be re-named “Buffalo Joe” and I am reaching out for support from my “Buffalo Buddies”, that would be you, my friends.

With your support, “Buffalo Joe” and Dooley Intermed are determined to raise the funds to build a protective shed and purchase 3 buffalo, enough to supply all the children with fresh, healthy milk.  The location of the new buffalo corral will be adjacent to the EcoHome, under large shade trees, a perfect spot. You might be interested in knowing that more humans rely on water buffalo than any other domesticated animal.  Water buffalo milk is richer in fat and protein than that of dairy cattle, a very nice thing for the children of EcoHome.

Donate Now

With a tax-deductible donation of $250 you can become a “Buffalo Buddy”, helping these kids enjoy enhanced health and nutrition. We hope to oversubscribed this first Buffalo Joe program and if so, the funds will be used to purchase an adjacent parcel of land to provide space for any Buffalo Babies which arrive after an approximately 300 day gestation period.

Donate by Credit Card:

To learn more about how you can donate to the Buffalo Joe program please go to the Dooley site There you can donate by credit card or PayPal by clicking on “Donate Now”, fill in the credit card information, click “Review Donation and Continue”, then type “Buffalo” in the “Add Special Instructions” box.  Just that easy!

Donate by Check:

Or you can make your check payable: Dooley Intermed International, 125-28 Queens Blvd. Suite 538, Kew Gardens, NY  11415.

I thank you sincerely for your support to help insure the future of these precious children.

Buffalo Joe    a.k.a Joe Watson

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To learn more about Dooley Intermed, go to:

Also, you can see more photos on my website.  See World View, then Dooley International and click on the photo of the children: .

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