“BUFFALO JOE’S” Milk For The Children of EcoFarm

I recently returned from Nepal where I accompanied Scott Hamilton on site visits and inspections of Dooley Intermed projects. I was impressed, to say the least. While at the EcoFarm Orphanage, I developed a plan to provide the children a reliable supply of nutritious milk. Because of the rural location, children in the area rely on fresh buffalo milk.

With your support, “Buffalo Joe” and Dooley Intermed are determined to raise the funds to purchase 2 buffalo and a protective shed, enough to supply all the children currently in residence, plus a few more who will soon be arriving with fresh milk. The location of the new buffalo corral will be adjacent to the Orphanage, under a big shade tree, a perfect spot.

With a tax-deductible donation of $125 you can become a “Buffalo Buddy”, helping these kids enjoy enhanced health and nutrition. If oversubscribed we will use the extra funds for future adjacent land purchase, and to provide space for any buffalo babies, after an approximately 300 day gestation period.

To learn more about how you can donate to the Buffalo Joe program please go to the Dooley site http://dooleyintermed.org/urgentneeds/ or contact Joe Watson at 281-932-4143.

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