Watson WorldView is Up, Live and Ready for YOU!

Having thought about doing this for a long time, it is time. It is here. Watson WorldView, my documentary photography website.

I believe photography can provide a more clear view of the world than can be understood with language alone.  The faces and places around the world captured in images speak of us as a people on the planet, and how we interact upon it.

This site includes many cities, countries, and continents focusing on indigenous people, the antiquities of their origins, and conditions of their lives today.  It also includes a view from above terra firma and below. In fact, our longevity on the surface of planet earth may be profoundly impacted by the success of our relationship with the seas. For this reason, I choose to explore and photograph the depths.

I invite your enjoy this website and offer your comments on the blog.  Call or write. Suggestions are welcome too.

Be Happy, Joe

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